Te Tari Whakahaere
National Executive.
The National Executive of Te Mana Ākonga is voted in by all Roopu at Te Huinga Tauira (Our Annual General Meeting).
The duty of the National Executive involves advocating and supporting Tauira Māori on a local and national level.
For any concerns on campus , your first point of call should be to your local student association.

Rosa Hibbert-Schooner
E rere kau ana ngā mihi ki a koutou, He mokopuna ahau nō Te Arawa.
Ko Ngāti Whakaaue rātou ko Ngāti Hurungaterangi, Ko Ngāti Apu Moana ōku hapū. I tipu ake au i Ōtautahi. Ko Rosa Hibbert-Schooner ahau.
Kua mutu i tērā tau (2022) tōku tohu paetahi I Te Reo Māori me Māori indigenious studies ki Ara (Te Pūkenga). I whakapōtae au tōku mahi I Psychology me Criminal Justice ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha. I roto i tōku wā ki te whare wānanga, ka mahi au i Te Akatoki, he roopū tauira Māori. Ka mahi au i te turanga Tumuaki Tuarua ā Tumuaki i tēnei roopū. Ka mahi au hoki ki te taha o Purapura Whetu mō tētahi rangahau Māori, ko Kā Pou Whenua.
He rangatahi wahine Māori ahau, nā reira, ko tēnei tōku tirohanga.

Ngawahine Thompson
Kaihāpai - Treasurer/Secretary
I te taha o tōku māmā,
Ko te kuti ko te wera ko te haua ko apanui e
Ko Mātaatua, Ko Horouta ōku waka
Ko Whanokao, Ko Whetumatarau ōku Maunga
Ko Te Kereu, ko Awatere ōku awa
Ko Te Whānau ā Apanui, ko Ngāti Porou ōku iwi
Ko Te Whānau ā te Ēhutu, ko Te Whānau ā Tuwhakairiora ōku hapū
He hononga ano au ki Ngāti Hine
I te taha o tōku pāpā,
Papaki kau ana nga tai ki mauao
Ko Tākitimu tōku waka
Ko Mauao tōku maunga
Ko Kopurererua tōku awa
Ko Tauranga tōku Moana
Ko Ngāti Ranginui tōku iwi
Ko Ngāi Tamarāwaho tōku hapū