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Māori Podcasts For Your Lockdown

Taylor-Rose Terekia

Have you found your sanity slowly leaving your body these past few weeks? Well then we’ve got just the list to help ground you again. We’re talking about podcasts.

We’ve done our best to compile a list of podcasts all about and / or by Māori. From kickass indigenous wahine, to exploring the cosmos, and living a plant-based lifestyle, there’s a wide range of flavours to spice up your airwaves.

Proud to be Māori:

Indigenous 100

Nā Mahi Tahi Media, Julian Wilcox; 2019 - 2020

Julian Wilcox is the host of this podcast, speaking one-on-one with Indigenous Thought Leaders from around the world. This podcast series is powered by Mahi Tahi Media.

Ep count: 19 (1hr)

RNZ: Te Ahi Kaa

Nā RNZ; 2020

The philosophy of this podcast is to reflect the diversity of Māori in the past, present and future. The show is delivered in both English and Māori, but incorporates Māori practices and values in its content, format and presentation.

Ep count: 6 (25-30min)


Nā Spark; 2019

Released for Matariki in 2019, this series depicts the significance of each star in the Matariki cluster, both in te reo Māori and English. A collaboration between Spark, Dr Rangi Matamua, Stacey and Scotty Morrison and Rhonda Tibble, this podcast is a perfect way to ground and rejuvenate us just in time for the next Matariki.

Ep count: 19 (2-4min)


Nā Te Wānanga o Aotearoa; 2017 - current

With a mixture of Māori and English, the Taringa Podcast is the perfect way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori in a fun and relaxed way. Episodes are posted weekly, discussing either kupu (words), iwi (tribes), stories or tikanga (customs and protocols).

Ep count: 141 (30min-1hr)

Yeah the boys:

Planting Seeds

Nā Raniera Rewiri; 2019 - current

Wide range of kaupapa with plenty of guest speakers - opening up a space for kōrero around planting seeds of positive change to transform our lives!

Ep count: 35+ (1hr)


Scott Douglas, Darren Van Beek; 2019 - current

This podcast by Scott and Darren invites you to join them on their journey exploring their Māoritanga, shedding light on the positive sides and people in Māoridom.

Ep count: 25+ (20-90min)

Moko Kōrero

Nā Moko Te Pania; 2020 - current

Pāhorangi reo māori mō ngā kōrero o ia rā, ia rā. If you’re looking for your reo fix, this podcast series is all in te reo Māori.

Ep count: 5 (20-30min)

Mana Wahine:


Nā Qiane Matata-Sipu; 2020 - current

Interviews with kickass Indigenous women doing things differently! Nuku invites you to look at the world through a different lens, a personal lens, a cultural lens, a lens made by and made for us – mā hine, mō hine, kia hine! The podcast seems to be on break during lockdown, but their facebook @NUKUwomen has been active with FB lives etc.

Ep count: 30 (1hr)

RNZ: He Kākano Ahau

Nā RNZ, Kahu Kutia; 2019

This podcast series challenges the assumption that to be urban and Māori means to be disconnected from your culture. Provided by RNZ, hosted by Kahu Kutia.

Ep count: 6 (25-30min)


Nā Putaanga Waitoa; 2020 - current

Stories are medicine. This space offers the most simple tool for hauora - stories, through collaboration to challenge the narrative, decolonize & normalize the view of Moko Kauae & Moko Kanohi to modern society. E oho, kua tae te wā.

Ep count: 4 (1hr-1hr 30min)

If you listen to every single podcast on this list, that would provide you with a whopping 180+ hours of listening material (don’t question the math). If you’re gonna commit to that, just make sure you hand that essay in on time, nē?

This list is in no way exclusive, and if we’ve missed a goodie then let us know. The RNZ website is a goldmine of podcasts with some fresh Māori voices in the mix. Hitting up Spotify is not a bad idea either.

Happy listening e te whānau!



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