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Te Waiora

University of Waikato

Ko tā Te Waiora o Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, hei taunaki i ngā tauira Māori, kia ekea ki ngā keokeonga o te mātauranga, kia pūmau hoki ki te reo, ngā tikanga me ōna tini āhuatanga, hei korowai āhuru.


Te Waiora intends to provide a safe and empowering space for all students wanting to grow and thrive in a Māori environment through mediums of reo, tikanga, kapahaka and āhuatanga Māori. We offer educational support, aswell as cultural and social activities that encourage members to excel and succeed in all pursuits. Our whare (house) is open to ALL and the connections made will last a lifetime. Our hope is to provide an on-campus experience that is uplifting, empowering and uniquely MĀORI, uniquely 'TE WAIORA!'

"He whānau, he āhurutanga"

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Te Mana Ākonga 

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